Yup, that's right, Tyranids have been confirmed as the third playable race for the single player campaign of the upcoming Dawn of War 2 expansion Retribution. This is relatively big news since in all the previous Dawn of War games, Tyranids haven't been a playable race in any of its campaigns.
Currently, Retribution has 3 confirmed playable races: Orks, Eldar and now the Tyranids. I would assume that this expansion will also include the Space Marines since the story at the end of Chaos Rising was more of a "to be continued" than any sort of conclusion.
However, this stand-alone expansion is looking to have much more content than I anticipated since each of these races will have a full story with 15 missions each. I guess once you have the engine and units in place, all there's left is to make more maps and campaigns.
Tyranids FTW! :D